Invisalign, like traditional braces, will create a straighter smile. However, the way in which Invisalign works is different. While using the same principle of applying constant force to encourage the bone to allow the teeth to move, Invisalign is not affixed to your teeth and does not require wires like traditional braces.
Instead, Invisalign uses a series of clear, plastic aligners that fit over your teeth. Rather than pulling teeth into position like metal braces, Invisalign gently pushes the teeth into position.
Benefits of Invisalign
For many years traditional metal braces were the gold standard for straightening teeth. However, there are many advantages to using Invisalign. These include:
- Nearly invisible clear plastic aligners
- Removable for eating, brushing, and special social occasions
- Comfort due to absence of sharp, metal edges
- Convenience in only needing to see Dr. Perlmutter every six weeks, and picking up new aligners every month or so
- Can have straight teeth in about a year of wearing Invisalign
These benefits show that Invisalign is the clear choice. However, not everyone is a candidate for Invisalign. Some serious realignment may be best treated with traditional braces. They are also currently restricted to adults and older teens.
If you are interested in finding out more about Invisalign and are in the Bergenfield, New Jersey area, please contact Dumont Cosmetic Dental today.