If fear of the dentist has kept you from seeking the services you need and deserve, Dumont sedation dentist Dr. Howard Perlmutter is here to help. Utilizing the latest and safest forms of sedation, Dr. Perlmutter can help you achieve complete relaxation and obtain the full range of dental services you need for optimal oral health and beauty.
Sedation Options
Sedation dentistry options offered by our Dumont dentist include:
- Nitrous oxide (laughing gas)
- Oral conscious sedation
Nitrous oxide is administered in our office prior to your treatment and is ideal for people with mild to moderate levels of anxiety. Oral sedation is administered prior to your appointment and produces a semi-conscious and completely relaxed state before your treatment begins. Oral sedation is best for people with moderate to severe dental phobia. The solution that will best meet your needs can be determined during your initial consultation with our Dumont sedation dentist.
To schedule a consultation with our sedation dentist, please contact Dumont Cosmetic Dental today. Dr. Perlmutter provides sedation dentistry services for people in Dumont, Bergenfield, Paramus, Haworth, Bergen County and surrounding areas of New Jersey.