Forgetting to floss is, in a way, like forgetting to wash your hands: failure to do it can lead to a host of health issues, but getting into the habit may require reminders. To help you get into this habit, Dumont dentist Dr. Howard Perlmutter offers the following suggestions:
- Set a reminder alarm on your cellphone
- Leave floss on your bathroom sink for visual reminders
- Place a note next to your toothbrush
You can also download an app such as Text2Floss for daily reminders.
Flossing is an essential part of maintaining optimal oral health. If flossing is something you struggle with, Dr. Perlmutter would be happy to discuss techniques that can help make this simple step a part of your daily dental hygiene routine.
To learn more about optimal oral health, please contact Dumont Cosmetic Dental today. Dr. Perlmutter serves Bergenfield, Haworth, and surrounding areas of Bergen County, New Jersey.