Dental emergencies happen quickly, are inconvenient, and are generally painful. Dental pain is a sign that something is not right, and knowing the difference between a minor issue and an emergency can prevent unnecessary pain.
Dental emergencies typically require urgent care, yet many people hesitate to call their dentist or go to the emergency room when they experience a dental emergency.
We encourage you not to delay contacting our office or visiting the emergency room since some dental emergencies can be life-threatening. While other problems may be less serious, addressing them immediately may save your smile and oral health. Our emergency dental care in Oradell helps keep your situation from becoming more painful or leading to more problems.
When you are experiencing pain, your body is trying to tell you that something is wrong. Knowing when the pain requires immediate care and when it can wait helps protect you from future problems.
The American Dental Association places dental emergencies into two categories: the first is life-threatening, and the second requires urgent care. Life-threatening dental emergency might include uncontrolled bleeding or trauma that involves your facial bones, soft tissue infections or injuries can cause swelling and may potentially block your airway. Emergencies that are urgent but not life-threatening are toothaches that indicate the tooth is no longer healthy and requires care. For example, a toothache that starts out slowly and does not progress quickly can be addressed by calling your dentist on the next business day. However, a toothache that appears suddenly and progresses quickly, requires immediate care and may need emergency dental care for people living in Oradell.
Some tooth chips, fractures, or lost fillings can cause pain that requires urgent care. Abscesses or other types of infection can form along the gum line or in the mouth, causing pain and localized swelling. These must be addressed quickly to reduce the potential for more damage. How can you tell if your dental issue requires immediate care? One way is to ask yourself several questions:
Each of these situations indicates the need for urgent dental care to treat an infection, save a tooth, or save your smile.
Teeth are incredibly strong, but they can still crack and break after time or due to trauma or grinding. Initial cracks might be something you do not notice. But over time, the crack can lengthen to the tooth’s root. Generally, this is when you start to feel it. Do not ignore dental pain because the sooner we treat it, the better the prognosis is to save the tooth.
Many things that trigger a dental emergency are unrelated to traumatic accidents. These include tooth decay, gum disease, and loose crowns and fillings. You may notice that your gums bleed when you brush your teeth or floss if you are not in the habit of flossing daily. But, if your gums begin to bleed for no reason, you should seek emergency dental care, especially if the gums are also swollen and you experience pain.
You may also experience other types of traumatic accidents that lead to a dental emergency; these include playing contact sports, car accidents, falls, and work-related accidents. Using your teeth to open bottles and packages, cut tape, or bite your nails can also cause damage that leads to a dental emergency.
Sometimes, you can take some initial steps at home to reduce the potential for you to lose a tooth or increase the potential for it to be restored. For example, if a filling or crown comes loose while you are eating, take care to keep it from getting broken and bring it with you to your appointment as soon as possible.
Crowns, fillings, or veneers can fall out because of tooth decay, so the restoration no longer fits. When that happens, the area likely becomes sensitive to different temperatures or pressures.
If a tooth gets knocked out, place it carefully in milk and pack the tooth socket with a tea bag or gauze to help stop the bleeding. This is a dental emergency; you should call our Oradell office immediately or seek care at an emergency room.
If you chip a tooth, call our office immediately. If you have a sudden toothache or notice an abscess at your gum line, rinsing your mouth with a mild saltwater solution can help reduce the pain until we can provide you with emergency dental care.
Early professional treatment can help prevent complications, relieve pain, and significantly impact healing. That is why Dr. Perlmutter is dedicated to providing his patients with emergency dental care in Oradell.
Call our office to schedule an appointment with Dr Perlmutter if you’re experiencing oral discomfort of any kind so that he can assess the problem and prevent further damage.
Oradell Family Dental