Hermey now has an opportunity to inspire a new generation of children in taking care of their teeth with Hermey’s Healthy Teeth Checklist.
Hermey’s checklist is a fantastic tool for helping children learn how to maintain optimal oral health. The list includes suggestions on brushing habits, foods to avoid, and protecting teeth while playing. It also includes the important reminder to visit the dentist for routine checkups.
Dumont family dentist Dr. Howard Perlmutter recommends bringing children in for their first office visit as soon as teeth being to appear and no later than their first birthday. Like Hermey’s checklist, these early childhood visits help children establish a healthy relationship with dental care and can set the foundation for a lasting healthy and beautiful smile.
To schedule your child’s appointment with Dr. Perlmutter, please contact Dumont Cosmetic Dental today. Dr. Perlmutter is proud to serve families living throughout Bergen County.